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The academics say that’s a mistake.  “It’s better to just let couples decide how many children they want,” Peng Xizhe says.  Zuo Xuejin adds that giving birth “is a very basic right of citizens” that should not be interfered with.  One reason the academics believe people should take control of their one family planning is China’s rapidly aging population.  Longer lives and the one-child policy mean fewer workers are supporting ever more senior citizens.  The falling part of a state-run social security network means that many senior citizens, like Wang Jintao, now fear a lonely future.  He says, “I worry that when I’m older no one will take care of me.  At that time, I think my life will become very terrible.  Our government never worried about that.” Wang believes he’s voicing the fears of an entire generation.  “Thirty years ago, our government made a mistake,”  he says,  “The result is that in big cities, most of the people my age, they’re worried about their future.”  China is now heading towards its aging future.  Experts warn that the danger is not changing the one-child policy too soon―it’s in moving too late.
同意語句選択問題は「文意系」と「多義語系」の2種類がありました。この問題は、下線部前後にbutやfor exampleなどの論理語は出てきませんから「文意系」じゃなくて「多義語系」です。多分、voiceには「声」とか「音」以外で、「声する」なんかじゃない動詞の意味があるはずです。だって、「声する」は変でしょ?!
voicing the fears of an entire generation
あ、1つ注意して欲しいのは、entireは「全体の」とか「全部の」という意味があるので、entire generationで「全ての世代」だと勘違しないことです。「全ての世代」ならall generations複数形にならないといけません。でも、この英語は単数形なのでanが付いていてgenerationと-sは付いていません。ということは「全ての世代」ではなくて、「1つの世代全体」ということです。それだけのことを考えて、選択肢を観察します。
設問4  Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined phrase?
(A) Expressing what people around his age are afraid of.
(B) Saying terrible things to his friends.
(C) Speaking with people he knows in a frightening way.
(D) Talking to people like himself about his fears.
設問4  Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined phrase?
(A) Expressing what people around his age are afraid of.
(B) Saying terrible things to his friends. 
(C) Speaking with people he knows in a frightening way.
(D) Talking to people like himself about his fears.
(B)(C)(D)には話す相手が出てくるのですが、(A)にはそれがありません。つまり、say to、speak with、talk toのように、この3つには「前置詞話し相手」が出てくるのですが、(A)は「express+何を」と言っているだけです。だから、(A)が正解!
voicing the fears of an entire generation
expressing what people around his age are afraid of
ここで1つ注意すると良いのは、「前置詞+名詞」がET型の形容詞になっていることです。つまり、a book on the deskと同じ構造でpeople around his ageができあがっていることです。そして、関係代名詞whatは「what S+V」で「SがVすること」の意味になります。だから、この2つは同じ内容を別の言葉で表現しているんだと分かります。

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