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設問2  Peng Xizhe and Zuo Xuejin believe couples should be able to plan their own families because (     ).
(A) more workers would help the younger generation
(B) lonely children should have brothers or sisters
(C) There would be more females
(D) childbirth is a basic right
これも設問1と同じで、「true or NOT true」タイプではないので、設問文からマーカを抽出するだけで間に合います。
やっぱりこれもたくさんの固有名詞が登場します。Peng XizheやZuo Xuejinは理想的なマーカです。そして、確定要素もハッキリしています。
自分たちの家族計画は、当然夫婦で立てられるはずだと、パン=シージェとジャン=ウェイチェンは考えている。なぜなら(  )
Peng Xizhe and Zuo Xuejin believe couples should be able to plan their own families because (     ).
The academics say that’s a mistake.  “It’s better to just let couples decide how many children they want,” Peng Xizhe says.  Zuo Xuejin adds that giving birth “is a very basic right of citizens” that should not be interfered with.  One reason the academics believe people should take control of their one family planning is China’s rapidly aging population.  Longer lives and the one-child policy mean fewer workers are supporting ever more senior citizens.  The falling part of a state-run social security network means that many senior citizens, like Wang Jintao, now fear a lonely future.  He says, “I worry that when I’m older no one will take care of me.  At that time, I think my life will become very terrible.  Our government never worried about that.” Wang believes he’s voicing the fears of an entire generation.  “Thirty years ago, our government made a mistake,”  he says,  “The result is that in big cities, most of the people my age, they’re worried about their future.”  China is now heading towards its aging future.  Experts warn that the danger is not changing the one-child policy too soon―it’s in moving too late.
couplesPeng Xizheがヒットする下線部が確定要素だと分かります。
設問=couples should be able to plan their own families
本文=it’s better to just let couples decide how many children they want
plan their own families(家族計画を立てること)とはlet couples decide how many children they want(何人子供が欲しいかを夫婦に決めさせること)だから、これは同じことを言ってます。すると、そう主張する理由はZuo Xuejinの文の方に書いてあると推察できます。
Giving birth is a very basic right of citizens that should not be interfered with.
それを頭に置いて選択肢を観察すると、giving birth(出産すること)がchildbirth(出産・分娩)になってますが、basic rightは丸っと同じです。だから(D)が正解だと分かります。
(A) more workers would help the younger generation
(B) lonely children should have brothers or sisters
(C) There would be more females
(●) childbirth is a basic right

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