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3.According to the passage, the second Sunday of May in 1907 was the day when Anna Jarvis (     ).
(A) held a ceremony to honor her mother
(B) formally announced Mother’s Day in Philadelphia
(C) first planted white carnations in Grafton, West Virginia
(D) held a Mother’s Day meeting in Boston, Massachusetts
この設問もマーカになるのはthe second Sunday of May in 1907しかありません。でも、これは時間ですから、一種の数字です。だからとっても見つけやすい。
¶3 Anna Jarvis of Philadelphia succeeded in Making Mother’s Day an official holiday.  In the late 19th century, Anna Jarvis’s mother had tried to establish “Mother’s Friendship Day” as a way to honor mothers who had lost sons in the Civil War*.  As a girl, Anna Jarvis had helped her mother take care of her garden, which was filled with white carnations. On the second Sunday of May, 1907, two years after her mother had died, Jarvis held a ceremony in her mother’s church in Grafton, West Virginia, to honor her.  She was so moved by the ceremony that she began a campaign to make a formal holiday honoring mothers.  In 1910 West Virginia became the first state to recognize Mother’s Day.
4.According to the passage, Mother’s Day was established as an official national holiday of the United States in (     ).
(A) 1872
(B) 1907
(C) 1910
(D) 1914
Mother’s Dayがこの英文の「話題」ですから、英文のあちこちに出てくるのでマーカにはなりません。だから、an official national holiday of the United Statesをザックリとマーカにします。あ、この設問で問われているのは、母の日がアメリカで公式の祝日になった年代です。だから、「母の日が正式に国民の祝日になった」のは間違いありませんよね。こう言うのを「確定要素」といいます。だから、大ざっぱにMother’s Day was established as an official national holiday of the United Statesをマーカにしてもかまいません。この様に、マーカは1語の名詞じゃないといけないわけではありません!設問文から臨機応変に「確定要素」を見つけてマーカにするのも有効な手段です。
¶4 Although she never became a mother herself, Jarvis began writing to politicians to persuade them to make Mother’s Day a national holiday, and eventually she was successful.  In 1914 President Woodrow Wilson officially announced that Mother’s Day would be a national holiday to be held every year on the second Sunday of May.
これもマーカ文と根拠文とが一致していて、根拠文の冒頭にIn 1914とあるので迷う事なんて何もありません。どうですか?ウソみたいに簡単でしょ!?これが南山大学の長文の特徴です。

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