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There was a time in which dinosaurs lived on the earth.
=There was a time when dinosaurs lived on the earth.
←Dinosaurs lived on earth in the time.(飾りの完全文)
前回の「場所がいつもwhereとは限らない」でやったパターンと全く同じです。ここでのポイントは「その時代に」がin the timeなこと。だから、「モノはwhich」でin which、「前置詞+関係代名詞=関係副詞」だから「時はwhen」になってるわけですね。あ、時の前置詞は3つあるので、「前置詞h+関係代名詞」がいつもin whichとは限りません。
The time will soon come at which you will regret your action.
=The time will soon come when you will regret your action.
←You will regret your action at that time.
Tomorrow is the day on which I will go back to my hometown for the first time in 3 years.
=Tomorrow is the day when I will go back to my hometown for the first time in 3 years.
←I will go back to my hometown on this day for the first time in 3 years.
You must work hard to make up for the time which you have lost.
←You have lost the time.(飾りの完全文)
The time will soon come (      ) it is possible to take a trip to the moon..【③】
③at which・・・・④on which
←It is possible to take a trip to the moon at that time.
Today is the day (     ) my daughter graduates from high school.【③】
①which・・・・・・②in which
③on which・・・④at which
←My daughter graduates from high school on this day.
【第26章 関係詞(3)】例文=224

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