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I have a friend who lives in Nagoya.
I have a friend whose name is Atom.
I have a friend who[m] it is difficult to know well.
who lives in Nagoya→He lives in Nagoya.
whose name is Atom→His name is Atom.
whom it is difficult to know well→It is difficult to know him well
The river which runs through our town is Horikawa.
The river whose name is Horikawa runs through our town.
The river the name of which is Horikawa runs through our town.
The river which I saw yesterday was full of water
・which runs through our town→The river runs through our town.
・whose name is Horikawa→The river‘s name is Horikawa.
・the name of which is Horikawa→The name of the river is Horikawa.
・which I saw yesterday→I saw the river yesterday.
さて、所有格は「B’s A」「A of B」の2通りの表し方ができます。
the river‘s name-the name of the river
the house‘s roof-the roof of the house
the workers rights-the rights of the workers
あ、名詞が複数形の場合、「-s‘s」となってsが2つ重なるので、2つ目のsは省略して「-s’」になります。さて、「B’s A」のB’sは、whichに所有格がないのでwhoseを使ってwhose Aにします。一方「A of B」のBはそのままwhichに置き換えます。
whose name-the name of which
whose rights-the rights of which
whose roof-the roof of which
She is the girl (    ) it was difficult to know well.【③】東海大
■彼女はつかみどころのない子だ。←It was difficult to know her well.
The Prime Minister, (    ) support in the party has seriously declined, may b e forced to resign.【④】東京理科大
■総理大臣は、政党内での支持がひどく落ち込んでいるので、退陣させられるかもしれない。 ←His support in the party has seriously declined.
What is the name of the building (    )?【③】上智大-外
①which roof you can see
②that you can see its roof
③whose roof you can see
④the roof of it you can see
■屋根が見えるビルの名前は何だっけ?←You can see the building’s roof.
【第24章 関係詞(1)】例文=214~216

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