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This room is twice as large [big] as that one
=This room is twice the size of that one.
ちょっと倍数表現に戻ります。日本語でも「Bと比べて2倍大きい」とも「Bの2倍の大きさだ」とも言えるように、英語も2通りの表現が可能です。「大きい(large / big)」は形容詞ですが、「大きさ(size)」は名詞です。品詞の転換が起こる大切な書き換えですから、ちゃんとまとめておきます。
A is twice as big [large] as B.→A is twice the size of B.
A is twice as long as B.→A is twice the length of B.
A is twice as wide as B.→A is twice the width of B.
A is twice as high as B.→A is twice the height of B.
【第21 比較(1)】例文179

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