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Monthly Archives: 7月 2011


■彼は今までチェスで負けたことがないと自慢していた。 He had pride in not having been defeated at chess. =He took pride in not having bee […]


■友人が尋ねてきたとき、僕はちょうど出かけようとしていた。 I was just about to leave when my friend visited me. I was on the point of leavi […]


■僕は彼女の袖を引っ張ったが、彼女は平気で話し続けた。 I pulled her by the sleeve, but she went on talking unconcernedly. =I pulled her b […]


<質問> 同じ程度・その程度;not so much A as B と not so much as V と~も同然だ;as good as~ の違いが分かりません。前者は名詞と動詞、後者は名詞と形容詞に使える、というこ […]


■病気だったので、僕はパーティーに出席できなかった。 Illness prevented me from attending the party.                                      […]

構文074「動詞構文」その2 「せざるを得ない」

■私はそう考えざるを得ない。 There is nothing for it but to think so. There is no choice [option] but to think so. for it の「 […]


■留守中に芝生に水をやってくれてありがとう。 Thank you for watering the lawn while I was away. =I appreciate your watering the lawn […]

構文072「名詞構文」A of B以外の名詞構文

■そのことを考えただけで、僕はいつも身震いがする。 The mere thought of it makes me shudder. =When I merely think of it, I shiver with f […]