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Tokyo Disneyland is too big to see everything in a day.
=Tokyo Disneyland is so big that we cannot see everything in a day.
I am only too happy to be with you.
一見するとtoo~to構文の様だから「僕は君と一緒にいるには幸せすぎる」とか「僕は幸せすぎて君と一緒にいられない」なんてやってしまいそうになる。でも、この訳語はどう考えても変ですよね。実は、only tooはveryとほとんど同じ意味です。だからこの英文はI am very happy to see you.と同じで、この不定詞のtoは「なぜ?どうして?のto」、学校英文法で言う「理由・原因のto」なのです。だから訳はこうなります。
I am only too happy to be with you.
This watch is so expensive that I can’t buy it.
= This watch is (      ) expensive (      ) me (      ) buy.
→This watch is (too) expensive (for) me (to) buy.
The problem was so difficult that we couldn’t solve it.
= The problem was (     ) difficult (       )(       )(       )(       ).
→The problem was (too) difficult (for)(us)(to)(solve).
This book is so difficult that I cannot read it.
= This book is (     ) difficult (     )(     )(     )(     ).
→This book is (too) difficult (for)(me)(to)(read).


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