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理由はwhyとは限らない?!(第24章 関係詞3・第7講)

Tell me the reason.-言いたい文
You look so happy today for that reason.-飾りの文
今まで同様、ポイントは「そう言うわけで」の意味のfor that reasonです。前置詞は「理由のfor」です。大切なのはやっぱり、「世の中には人とモノしかなく、先行詞が人じゃなければ全部モノでwhich」です。そしてfor whichが「前置詞+名詞=副詞」だから、関係副詞whyになります。
Tell me the reason.
★You look so happy today <for that reason>.
                    <for which>
→Tell me the reason for which you look so happy today.
→Tell me the reason why you look so happy today.
The reason was very unnatural.-言いたい文
He gave us the reason for being late.-飾りの文
give人the reason for Aで「人にAした言い訳をする」です。giveは他動詞で直後に前置詞なしの「誰に+何を」が来ます。
The reason was very unnatural.
★He gave us <the reason> for being late.
→The reason which he gave us for being late was very unnatural.

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