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構文029 「Aなのだが、しかしB」のwhile(譲歩構文1)

Though [= Although] he is famous, he is very modest.
While he is famous, he is very modest.
For all that he is famous, he is very modest.
In spite of his fame, he is very modest.
Despite his fame, he is very modest.
For [With] all his fame, he is very modest.

中学まではHe is famous, but he is very modest.で良かったのですが、高校英語ではあと6つ覚えなければなりません。でもbutやthough、althoughは逆接だと分かるのですが、whileやin spite of、そしてfor all、with allがなぜ逆接・譲歩になるのかが良く分かりませんよね。 じゃあ、1つずつ説明してゆくことにします。
whileはもともと期間を表す接続詞です。つまり「while A, B」で「Aしている間にB」。それが段々「Aである一方でB」という対比・対照を、そしてそれが最後には「Aなのだが、しかしB」の対立を表現するようになった。こうして逆接・譲歩のwhileが生まれました。
While we were speaking, he said nothing.
= During the time [that] we were speaking, he said nothing.
Some are beautiful, while others are ugly.
= Some are beautiful, whereas others are ugly.
While this is true in some cases, it is not true in all.
= Though this is true in some cases, it is not true in all.

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