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This house is much [far] larger than mine.
She is by far[much] the best singer in this country.
・比較級を強調するもの=muchfarby farfar and away、××
・最上級を強調するもの=much××by farfar and awayvery
比較級を強調する場合は「はるかに」とか「ずっと」の訳語を、最上級を強調する場合には「抜群に」とか「ずば抜けて」の訳語を当てはめます。veryは「まさに」で良いでしょう。さて、最上級を強調するmuchとveryは頻出で、注意すべき点は冠詞theとの位置関係です。同じ最上級the bestを飾る場合のmuchとveryの位置に注意してください。
This dictionary is much the best.
This is the very best dictionary.
We had many more customers than we had expected.
We paid much more money than we had expected.
We had many customers.
We paid much money.
【第21・22章 比較(1)(2)】例文183、187

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