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構文009 AだけでなくBも;not only A but also Bなど

He has not only knowledge but also experience.
He has not just [merely] knowledge but experience.
さて、wellには「~しても仕方がない・~するのももっともだ・~してもよい」の意味がある。そこから、as wellで「同じくらい良い・妥当である」。これはtooに書き換えられる。
He has knowledge, and experience as well.
=He has knowledge, and experience, too.
He has experience as well ashe has knowledge.
(      ) was happy over the victory.【③】慶応大
①Both the players and the coach
②Either the coach or the players
③Not only the players but also the coach
④The players as well as the coach
You as well as I (are) wrong.

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