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構文058「結果・程度構文」その7「such = so great=相当なモン」

His selfishness was such that nobody liked him.
=His selfishness was so great that nobody liked him.
Such was his selfishness that nobody liked him.
suchには「相当なもの = so great」の意味があって、そのsuchと結果のthatがひっついてsuch thatという変な文になってしまってます。頭の中でsuchを「相当なモン」に置き換えて、結果のthatの前で文を区切ってやれば簡単ですね。そのsuchを強調するために文頭に出して、「相当なモンなのよ!あいつの身勝手さは」くらいの意味の英文にしたのが一番下の例文です。残りが完全逆転型の倒置になってますね。つまり、suchから始めて部品を完全に逆に並べてます。倒置を忘れた子はここで復習しておいてください。今日はこれでお仕舞いです。
(     ) was his pride that he could not bring himself to ignore the insult.【③】


  1. yabu wrote:

    (   ) was his pride that he could not bring himself to ignore the insult.(明治学院大)
    ①It  ②Little  ③Such  ④that

    土曜日, 6月 4, 2011 at 10:51 AM | Permalink
  2. yabu wrote:

    =His pride was such that he could not bring himself to ignore the insult.
    =His pride was so great that he could not bring himself to ignore the insult.
    bring oneself to~で「~する気になる」(明治学院大)

    土曜日, 6月 4, 2011 at 10:52 AM | Permalink

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