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 Industries had their own share of “number guys” who imposed mathematical logic on the widespread canned and packaged product trade and the early auto industry.  Colorists recognized the value of market surveys and sales reports.  They combined their knowledge of human psychology with quantitative data and took color forecasting to new heights.
 According to the author, professional colorists made use of (     ).
(a) historical trends and comparative studies of sales in various other industries
(b) knowledge gained from engineers and technicians in the manufacturing process
(c) merchandising skills that reflected the difference between cost and selling prices
(d) research on what appealed to customers and why it appealed to them
Colorists recognized the value of market surveys and sales reports.
色のプロは( )を利用してきた。
professional colorists made use of (    ).
 market surveyとmarket researchが同じ「市場調査」だと気がつけば、(d)を選んで合格です。あれこれ比較するのではなくて、ポイントを絞って比べるのがコツです。
2014年度の早稲田大文学部、大問2(A)の「問題プリント」「解説・全訳」は、薮研の「目次・PDF教材」の下の「Reading Drills」【目次】のところに載せておきます。チャンスがあればあれば、別の問題も「逆マーカ抽出法」で解いてみましょう。

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