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これは2014年度の早稲田大文学部、大問2(A)です。問題文は2段落構成で、設問も2つだけしかありません。設問の英語から抽出できるマーカはprofessional colorists
According to the passage, professional colorists (     ).
(a) based their work primarily on the use of colors in painting and decorative arts
(b) carried out their work in public situations where people observed them carefully
(c) employed their skills to produce appropriate color combinations for various purposes
(d) preferred to work in the clothing industry rather than in the automobile industry.
The color revolution has been invisible to scholars in part because it was a business-to-business phenomenon.  Design historians often focus on the consumer goods that make everyday life more comfortable and convenient, or that reflect the modern aes
thetic.  The work of professional colorists shaped the built environment, and many consumer products, including Grayola crayons and pastel automobiles, were directly attributable to them.  But colorists mostly worked behind closed doors with other professionals.  They helped school boards, automobile body makers, and telephone engineers master the various impacts of color harmony.  In just doing their jobs, colorists helped create America’s first visually streamlined cars, figured out how to speculate on future colors, and introduced the coordinated clothing ensemble to mass merchandising.
Industries had their own share of “number guys” who imposed mathematical logic on the widespread canned and packaged product trade and the early auto industry.  Colorists recognized the value of market surveys and sales reports.  They combined their knowledge of human psychology with quantitative data and took color forecasting to new heights
 でも、これは当然のことで、問題文はprofessional colorists(色の専門家)がテーマなのだから、「色の専門家は~した」があちこちに出てきても不思議はないわけです。
But colorists mostly worked behind closed doors with other professionals.
(Indeed) the work of professional colorists shaped the built environment, and many consumer products, including Grayola crayons and pastel automobiles, were directly attributable to them.

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