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When volunteers participate as assistants in activities like these, they are engaging in citizen science, a valuable research technique that invites the public to assist in gathering information.  Some of them are science teachers or students, but most are simply amateurs who enjoy spending time in nature.  They also take pride in aiding scientists and indirectly helping to protect the environment.  The movement they are involved in is not a new one.  In fact, its roots go back over a hundred years.  One of the earliest projects of this type is the Christmas Bird Count, started by the National Audubon Society in 1900.  However, citizen science projects are burgeoning more than ever: over 60 of them were mentioned at a meeting of the Ecological Society of America not long ago.
The word invites in this paragraph is closest in meaning to (     ).
(A) asks
(B) treats
(C) shows around
(D) causes
The word burgeoning in this paragraph is closest in meaning to (     ).
(A) causing arguments
(B) increasing rapidly
(C) losing popularity
(D) receiving awards
They invited me to their wedding.
We invited him to be chairman.
They invited me to dinner.
They invited me into the living room.
でも、これは「京都を案内する(show人around Kyoto)」の「案内」とはちょっと違います。最後のcauseも「cause人to~」の表現型で使えますが、「物が人に何かさせる」の意味で使います。このtoは不定詞です。
The storm caused me to be late for the meeting.

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