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The Irish are said to be blessed with the gift of blarney This means that they are supposed to be skillful with speech.  That is, they have a talent for using spoken language to charm people with witty conversation, exaggerated compliments, and sometimes, misleading nonsense―but always without being offensive.  Blarney differs from flattery in that flattery is obviously insincere and rarely inspires trust, agreement, or cooperation in the listener.
段落冒頭文が「主張文」で、その中の名詞blarneyが「テーマ」です。なぜなら、右でそれが代名詞化してThisになってます。そして、最後の文でもう1度繰り返し出てきます。あ、the gift of blarneyのofは「同格のof」ですから、テーマを「the gift of blarney」としても同じです。次回は下線部訳をやります。

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