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History shows that although fire is incredibly useful, it can also be destructive, and there are stories from all parts of the ancient world of whole communities being destroyed by fire.  Later, by the beginning of the Middle Ages, towns began to appear in Europe with Large buildings constructed of wood.  People at this time were worried about the danger of unattended fires, so many towns and villages adopted the (1)practice of reminding its citizens to cover their fires at night.  The English king, Alfred, was so worried about fire safety that he passed a law in 876 requiring all fires in the city of Oxford to be covered every day on the ringing of a church bell at 7 p.m.  In 1068, King William extended this law, called the curfew law, to the whole of England, but he also prohibited people from gathering outside their homes after dark.  This law was very unpopular because it was clearly intended to control people’s movements, rather than to prevent fires.  The curfew law was repealed by King Henry in 1100, but the ringing of “curfew bells,” as they became known, continued in some churches for more than seven hundred years.
このpracticeは多義語で、意味は中学で習った「練習・訓練」だけじゃなくて、「実践・実行」、「慣習・習わし」、「営業・開業」、「手腕・熟練」、「患者・依頼人」などなど、盛りだくさんです。第7回のReading Drillでやったように、「同意語句選択問題」には文意系多義語系の2種類があります。そして今回のpracticeは多義語系なわけですね。
さて、問題のpracticeは、具体文のどこで繰り返されているのでしょうか?それを探るには、practiceだけに目を向けるのではなくて、practiceを含む英文全体をよく観察することです。すると、直後のThe English king, Alfredから始まる文との相似性に気がつきます。
People at this time were worried about the danger of unattended fires, so many towns and villages adopted the practice of reminding its citizens to cover their fires at night.
The English king, Alfred, was so worried about fire safety that he passed a law in 876 requiring all fires in the city of Oxford to be covered every day on the ringing of a church bell at 7 p.m.
もうほとんどそのまんまです。「当時の人々」が「イギリス王、アルフレッド」に、「たくさんの町や村」が「彼(アルフレッド)」に具体化されてます。問題のpracticeは、adopted the practiceがpassed a lawに具体化されています。つまり、「しきたりを採用する」が「法律を制定する」になってるわけです。すると、このpracticeはlawと具体化できる「社会の慣習」とか「しきたり」、「おきて」の意味だと分かります。ま、選択肢はそのまんまlawを選べばOKです。
(A) exercise・・・・・・  (B) law
(C) performance ・・・ (D)skill

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