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問題文によると、(  )だった理由でザラは2人の子供を持つことができた
According to the passage, Zara was able to have two children because (     ).
問題文によると、(  )だった理由でザラは2人の子供を持つことができた。
According to the passage, Zara was able to have two children because (     ).
Zaraは固有名詞だし、two childrenは数字ですから、とても有効なマーカになるはずです。そう考えて本文を読み進みます。
As two-year-old Maomao and her ten-month-old brother Lulu play in a Shanghai park, little do they realize that they are a change from three decades of strict family planning.  Although many rural Chinese have two children, China still limits most urban families to just one child.  Because Maomao and Lulu’s parents are both only-children themselves, they are among the fortunate few city couples allowed to have two children.  “I was lonely as a child,” says their mother Zara.  “I was jealous of friends who had brothers and sisters.  Now my friends are jealous of my two children.”  Statistics support this: a recent survey showed that 69 percent of Chinese would support a proposal to end the one-child policy.  But Zara and her 81-year-old mother-in-law both support China’s efforts to control its population.  “Our leaders have thought a lot about the country’s policies,” the mother-in-law says.  “Whatever they say is right.”
すると、赤い部分が確定要素なので、これを全部マーカにします。あ、Zaraがちょっと離れていますが、Maomao and Lulu’s parentsがtheyになって、そのお母さんの名前がZaraなのだから、結局theyに含まれます。そして、設問が尋ねているのが「ザラが2人の子供を持つことができた」理由ですから、Becauseから始まってマーカまで続く下線部が根拠文だと分かります。えっ!?理由だからBecauseが出てくるの?!そうなんです。大学入試の内容一致問題なんてそんなレベルです。名古屋大学の2次試験でもチャンと出てきます。


  1. 村上 wrote:


    火曜日, 11月 4, 2014 at 3:45 AM | Permalink
  2. yabu wrote:


    火曜日, 11月 4, 2014 at 10:30 AM | Permalink

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